Energy & Emissions Engineer
Sarah Mayer
B.E., E.I.T.

Lover of the beach, reality TV, and animals (especially dogs)
Sarah grew up in Richmond, BC and graduated from UVic in 2022 with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Thermo-fluids and Aerodynamics and a minor in Physics. She enjoyed living in Victoria for five years but is looking forward to starting a new chapter in Vancouver.
Climate change is one of the biggest global issues right now, so she is very excited to be working as a part of the First Light Energy Solutions team to address it. She is looking forward to continuously expanding her knowledge on low-carbon designs and retrofits, as well as solutions to reducing GHG emissions and improving energy efficiency.
Outside of work, Sarah enjoys spending her time improving her cooking skills, reading books, learning how to sew, and spending time with friends. She also loves animals and would love to see photos of your pet(s) if you meet her.